Wednesday, September 30, 2009

FaceBook or FaceCrack?


It was a horrible rainy Wednesday when Stacie learned a horrible thing, some people are addicted to FaceBook! She had heard people joking before about "FaceCrack" but never did she think that it was a real problem, now she knows.

This horrible and terminal condition is so devastating that it is even worse than cocaine and alcohol! According to Rob Bedi a registered psychologist and assistant professor at the University of Victoria " “This is not something you can quit cold turkey,” said Bedi. “While a cocaine addict can put down his drug and an alcoholic his drink," Quote taken from "Potential Facebook addiction" a blog by Misc Author. This worries many, even ask student Jessie Gottlied from Charles Bloom Secondary School. When asked how she feels and whether she thinks its true she replies, "well I am not addicted to FaceBook, but I think its true because I've seen my cousin who's addicted to FaceBook. I've seen her stay up until 2:30 Am,(on FaceBook) and that kinda worries me." Not convinced that this disorder is real? Well FaceBook even has its own support group says Mr. Belshaw, with 150 members. And taken from the popular blog "Are You Suffering from Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD)?" there are even a list of symptoms taken from the blog:

  • Tolerance- This refers to the need for increasing amounts of time on Facebook to achieve satisfaction and/or significantly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of time. They often have multiple Facebook windows opened at any one time. 3 is usually a sign and over 5 you're helpless.

"Helpless" yes, you read that right, too much FaceBook and you become helpless. FAD is so bad that its renders those suffering with it without help, this is a mordern day problem that doctors and politicians everywhere should be concerned with, and that's only the first symptoms.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Sandwitch from Hell

Once apon a time there was a man named Mahir who worked as a stunt man. When he was lucky Sometimes Bollywood would hire him to do crazy stunts that the regular stunt men wouldn't do. Today was such a day.
It was a beautiful december day, and Mahir was sitting at his favorite curry bar waiting for his orange tuna and curry sandwitch when a dirty slum child ran up to his table.
"Mr. Mahir! Mr. Mahir! You are to be at the show! Jag has comited suiside and Qutub refuses to work without another! Bollywood needs you!"
"Lead to way Thin-Short, we shall go save Bollywood!"
As they arrived at the set both Mahir and Thin-Short were over come with snarly welcomes.
"Hay you! Ya thats right I'am talkin' to you ugly; move it!"
"Out of the way!"
"Give me back my purse you hoolagan!"
Mahir looked down at Thin-Short as he put away a blue beaded purse,
"Gotta eat Mr."
Thats when a four foot high man wearing a sky blue shirt and a canary yellow vest can flying over their heads, only to land seconds later in a vibrantly coloured heep. Untangling himself, the small man pulled out a matching outfit for Mahir.
"Qutub, there seems to be a red stain on this shirt....." The small man named Qutub rolled his eyes,
"Didn't the boy tell you? Jag comited suiside!"
Mahir frowned as he noticed the stains were on the back of the shirt and they looked kinda like Jag had been bashed on the head. But he shrugged and slipped the shirt on anyways, then pulled on the yellow vest.
"Good, now come over this way and get on the bike, we're doing a live show in three minutes,"
Qutub led Mahir over to a old dirt bike and handed him the key. Mahir tok the key and went to put it into the ingishion but paused,
"I want you to know that I would do anything for Bollywood, but I seem to be rather short on what it is that Iam to be doing. Also I missed lunch."
Just the Thin-short came running up to him holding a small raped bundle. Opening it Mahir relised what it was and wooped for joy,
"My sandwitch!"
"Ya, ya, ya. Eat your darn sandwitch and shut your mouth, were going around the "Well to Hell"
The End

Friday, September 18, 2009

How to Make a blog

Have you every wanted to make a blog? No? Thats okay, we'll make one anyway.
First, find a site that you've never heard of. For this I will use Then try and and make an acount by retypeing your info over in the needed blanks over and over for two hours. If you do manage to get through; YAY!!! If not try on and off for two days, if even then the site refuses to let you have an account wait untill the last minte that the blog needs to be done and try again. It should now work, if the gnome dung site refuses still to let you sign up, find an internet hate form and proced to let the world know exactly how you feel.
Now lets assume that you did manage to create an account before you go on an internet rage, you will see a blank for you to name your blog. This can either be seen as a way to express your self almost as much as the blog itself, or as really anoying. Pick a name for you blog, its not like anyone reads them anyways. Then scroll through some really boring layouts and pick one that dosen't make you look like someones wanna-be parent trying to be trendy.
YAY, the final moment! You now have both a account and the beginningss of a blog, to finish just type away to your hearts comtent about your (or your teachers) choosen subject.